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Wallet Apps (for Devs)


This article describes wallets from a developmental perspective. The end goal is to create wallet applications that support TON mass adoption.

If you want to find a wallet to install, open

Non-custodial wallets


With a non-custodial wallet, the user owns the wallet and holds its private key by themself.

  • TON Wallet — Multiplatform(iOS, Android, MacOS, Linux, Windows) classic wallets of TON Ecosystem developed by TON Foundation.
  • Tonkeeper — an open-source (iOS, Android) mobile phone wallet application with great user base.
  • Tonhub — an open-source (iOS, Android) alternative mobile phone wallet with advanced features (TON Whales Staking UI).
  • OpenMask — an open-source browser extension wallet with biometric authentication.
  • MyTonWallet — an open-source browser web wallet and browser extension wallet for TON.

Basics features

WalletJetton & NFT transfersTon Connect 2.0AuthorizationWallet contract
TON WalletNot implemented--wallet v3
TonkeeperSupportedSupportedTON Connect 2.0wallet v4
TonhubSupported*SupportedTON Connect 2.0wallet v4
OpenMaskSupportedSupportedTON Connect 2.0wallet v4
MyTonWalletSupportedSupportedTON Connect 2.0wallet v4

*Tonhub extension opens a built-in browser which allows for NFT market placements. Jetton is full supported.

TON Wallet

TON Wallet was the first step in mass-adoption blockchain technology available to ordinary users. It demonstrates how a wallet must works on TON Blockchain.

              TON wallet                                

Pros and Cons

  • ✅ The original wallet developed by TON Foundation. TON Wallet works according to the vision of TON Blockchain's core developers.
  • ✅ Multi-platform architecture support. It works in Linux, Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and as well as a Chrome plugin.
  • Bug bounty program
  • ❌ Rare updates. This wallet does not have not all up-to-date features (TON DNS address, wallet-v4 contract not supported).
  • ❌ The current UI is outdated and is worse than alternative wallets.

Ton wallet test environment

To switch Ton classic wallet to test environment, you should to open in browser with testnet parameter:

  • Github*

    *TON Wallet clients for every supported OS placed in nearby repositories.


Tonkeeper - is the most downloaded wallet, developed by the Tonkeeper team and has active support from both users and developers.


Pros and Cons

  • ✅ This app is most popular with users.
  • ✅ Supports all up-to-date features including native NFT transfer between user wallets.
  • ❌ Tonkeeper is only supported by mobile iOS and Android platforms.
  • ❌ To contribute requires advanced skills. A lot of the job already done and it will be hard for newcomers to add something significant.

Tonkeeper test environment

To switch Tonkeeper application between Mainnet and Testnet: open settings, at the bottom of the settings screen tap 5 times on the Tonkeeper icon and switch net in the dev menu. In the Dev menu tap Switch to Testnet or Switch to Mainnet according network you need.



Tonhub - is another fully-fledged TON wallet, that has basic up-to-date features support. Ton Whales are rapidly increasing the capabilities of the wallet.


Pros and Cons

  • ✅ Has own custom Ton Nominator contract supported with Tonhub UI.
  • ✅ Open-sourced wallet from the beginning of the existing application.
  • Bug-bounty program.
  • ❌ Have no support for all desktop platforms.
  • ❌ To contribute requires advanced skills.

Tonhub test environment

For use in testnet necessary separate the application Sandbox.


OpenMask - is the trailblazing tool enabling user interactions and experience on Web3 as browser extension.


Pros and Cons

  • ✅ Convenient for developers environment to learn and create dApps via desktop without mobile devices.
  • ✅ Unique functions such as multiple wallets, with detailed descriptions and examples in its documentation.
  • ❌ Has almost no integration with dApps at the moment.
  • ❌ Supports only browser extension platform.

OpenMask test environment

To switch OpenMask between Mainnet and Testnet: you need to click on "mainnet/testnet" button on the top of the OpenMask's main screen and chose network you need.


MyTonWallet - is the most feature-rich web wallet and browser extension for TON – with support of tokens, NFT, TON DNS, TON Sites, TON Proxy, and TON Magic.


Pros and Cons

  • ✅ Implemented all basic functions.
  • ✅ Unique feature - management of the official Nominator Pool contract from wallet UI.
  • ❌ Supports only web browser and Chrome extension platform.

MyTonWallet test environment

To switch the MyTonWallet to Testnet: open Settings and by clicking 5 times on the app version open the network switcher.

Custodial wallets


With a custodial wallet, user trusts somebody else to hold the wallet's private key.


@wallet — bot application to send and receive or trade p2p TON inside Telegram. Supports Telegram Web App UI.



@cryptobot — A Telegram bot wallet for storing, transferring and exchanging TON.



@tonRocketBot - A Telegram bot wallet for storing, transferring and exchanging TON. Supports Jetton trading as well.


See Also